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PT Turbo Program

This is a Great Affordable Way to Kick-Start your Fitness Plan with a Certified Personal Trainer!

The cost for this service is $25 or $50 per month for 1 to 2 Personal Workout Programs for 1 Month

Step 1.

Call or visit with the Personal Trainer of your choice.

Step 2.

That trainer will meet with you and design one or two programs to meet your specific needs and health concerns. The first for the !st two weeks and the 2nd for the last two weeks of the month. They will then set times with you to go through every phase of the workout to show you proper form and techniques. It will be you (the customer) responsibility to set a time to go through both workout plans for the month with the same trainer. We will have your program on file with us for you to use for 1 month.

Step 3.

After 1 month has passed we will recycle those routines, and you will be able to meet with the personal trainer of your choosing again to setup a new program for an additional $25 or $50. If not, you may continue on your own.

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